universal resource locator (URL)
information science, knowledge management, information technology
“The address of a resource on the Internet and the protocol used to access it.
Additional Information:
It indicates the location of a web resource like a street address indicates where a person lives physically — because of this, an URL is often referred to as: “web address”.
A URL is a group level item or a composite concept that contains the following information:
- The protocol used to access the resource.
- The location of the server (whether by IP address or domain name).
- The port number on the server (optional).
- The location of the resource in the directory structure of the server.
- A fragment identifier (optional).
A URL is a type of uniform resource identifier (URI). In common practice, the term URI isn't used, or is used synonymously with URL, even though this is technically incorrect.”
Definition and Info Source: https://www.techopedia.com/definition/1352/uniform-resource-locator-url