Index Entries

Daniel Santiago
October 10, 2024
International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research (IJVTPR)

Santiago is a pharmacist in Florida and a member of the Editorial Board for IJVTPR.


Introducing 728 N1-methylpseudouridines into the spike coding sequence for SARS-CoV-2 has inevitably resulted in physical changes in the original SARS-CoV-2 coding sequence. These non-negligible physical changes include: (1) stereochemical alterations; (2) variations in molecular weight; and (3) changes in the nucleotide base count consisting of A, G, T(U,Ψ), C...

N1-methylpseudouridine (Ψ)

... Perhaps the simplest and most explanatory way to account for all the new COVID-19 diseases associated with the injectables is to merely examine the likely reasons for the production of a great variety of dysfunctional peptides along with whatever other foreign DNAs, toxic lipid nanoparticles, foreign toxic metals, etc. happen to be contained in the injectables. All the confusion that such foreign entities create may well throw the body’s defenses into a dysfunctional state and thay [sic] begin to attack the organelles, cells, tissues, and organ systems they are supposed to protect...


... [W]e are forced to conclude that whatever proteins might be synthesized from the modified mRNA in the Pfizer and Moderna products, they are not likely to be equivalent to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. Consequently, these proteins cannot serve as suitable antigens for the spike protein SARS-CoV-2 'wild-type', or its numerous variants. Therefore, the biophysical chemistry underlying the mRNA technology platform, which is represented as a prophylactic vaccine producing system, is an experimental gene therapy destined by physical chemistry in all probability to be ineffective and harmful to its recipients. At its best it can only stimulate the body’s defenses into a state of confusion that is destined to become exhaustion to the extent that the 10 trillion lipid nanoparticles succeed in delivering their modified mRNA strings to the ribosomal systems of the body. At its worst, the experiment can be expected to produce disease and death on a fairly wide scale proportionate to the number of doses of the injectables received...


... The increase in antibodies commonly seen after a person receives one or more doses of the modified mRNA injectables is probably not focused on the original SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. It is evidently more apt to result in collateral damage of the auto-immune kind than has been claimed by its mainstream proponents for reasons I have brought out in this article... The shots are making the body’s immune systems kick into high gear, but not necessarily in an efficient or safe manner."

adverse events,autoimmunity,COVID-19,mRNA,SARS-CoV-2 spike protein,vaccine composition,vaccine dynamics,vaccine ingredients,vaccines