Dr. Tuuminen, MD, PhD, is an "adjunct professor and specialist in clinical microbiology consulting for the last 5 years, 2019 to 2024, at Kruunuhaka Medical Centre, Helsinki, and Mineraalilaboratorio Mila, Helsinki."
"While Professor A. Ulrich (2024) raised justifiable questions about the interpretation of microscopic images from incubated COVID-19 injectables from Pfizer and Moderna, her message treats the world-wide genetic modification experiment with COVID-19 injectables on humans —an experiment on us without our consent —as normal... My focus is on that violation of medical ethics turning humans into genetically modified organisms. Here I illustrate in her words that such a genetic experiment on humans is underway...
My Analysis
Ulrich asserts that the lipid nanoparticles used for transfection are the source of the self-assembling structures found in the experiments reported by Lee and Broudy (2024). In other words, xenogenomic (foreign, active genetic) material is reportedly encoded in the Pfizer and Moderna modified RNAs supposedly packed into each lipid nanoparticle that is intended to transfect the cells of recipients. According to Ulrich’s own words, all the cells in an individual’s body could potentially be 'transfected'...
In noting that the aim is to 'transfect' cells with genetic material, she admits that an experiment on the world’s population has been and is still being performed...
[T]ransfection with xenogenomic (foreign, synthetic, humanly manufactured, unnatural) materials can be interpreted as turning humans into genetically manipulated or modified organisms, popularly referred to as GMOs. The interpretation of the ongoing experiment as genetic modification of humans cannot be ruled out because neither Ulrich nor the manufacturers of the “Trojan horses” being “smuggled” into human cells can guarantee that the integration of xenogenomic material will be limited to the somatic cells of individuals. If they can invade human germ cells, there are potentially devastating consequences for future generations...
Ulrich downplays the 'impurities' in the modified mRNA concoctions by suggesting that they are a 'minor' problem...
How does the author know that the 'impurities' are minor? By what logic is it reasonable to suppose that 10 trillion synthetically prepared nanoparticles —ones that involve something very much like the sort of manipulative nanotechnology that Ulrich says cannot be inferred from the strange entities documented in the 'reliable' and '“fully consistent' research by Lee and Broudy (2024) — are 'safe and effective'? How do we know they are not exceedingly harmful?...
Ulrich does not mention that ALC-0315, SM-102 or ALC-0159 [synthetic lipids] or PEG [polyethylene glycol] have never been approved for in vivo application in humans...
Pressuring hundreds of millions of people to accept the experimental injections was accomplished mainly by fear — first convincing the world’s governments and authorities everywhere that the pandemic was real and might take many millions of lives — accompanied by intimidation...
[A]ll of the COVID-19 injectables should be withdrawn from the market and a moratorium should be invoked barring any further modified mRNA technologies for human and animal use."
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