Index Entries

Ismail Ibrahim Ismail and Sara Salama
November 9, 2021
Journal of Neuroimmunology


Methods: A systematic review was performed by screening published articles and preprints of cases of CNS [central nervous system] demyelination in association with COVID-19 vaccines... until September 30, 2021...

Results: A total of 32 cases were identified, with female predominance (68.8%) and median age of 44 years... The majority of cases (71.8%) occurred after the first dose of the vaccine, with neurological symptoms manifesting after a median of 9 days...

4. Discussion

... In our review, CNS demyelination was reported following all types of approved COVID-19 vaccines (no protein-based vaccine was approved at the time of writing). Neurological symptoms appeared within the first 1–2 weeks in most cases...

The mRNA-based vaccines resulted in the greatest number of demyelinating syndromes (53.1%), followed by viral vector vaccines (31.2%), as opposed to (15.6%) following inactivated vaccines...

The exact mechanism of demyelination after COVID-19 vaccines remains poorly understood, however, it is postulated that a combination of vaccine-related factors, in addition to susceptibility of the patients, could be involved. Molecular mimicry represents one of the main immunopathogenic factors, where similarity between the proteins of the viruses used for the vaccination and self-antigens (e.g. myelin) triggers an undesired immune-response."

adverse events,COVID-19,demyelination,neurological disorders,vaccines