"A preschool-aged child died of cardio-respiratory arrest after getting a COVID-19 booster in a Moderna clinical trial. However... Moderna didn’t reveal the death to the public and only recently reported it on a European regulatory agency database...
[Alex] Berenson, a former New York Times reporter who now reports on his Unreported Truths Substack, today said the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has declined to tell him whether the U.S. agency knew that a child died during Moderna’s clinical trial...
'Of all the mistakes public health authorities made around COVID, their insistence on pressing mRNA vaccines on children was probably the worst,' Berenson said.
By the time the COVID-19 vaccines were available for kids, it was clear that children were at almost no risk of serious illness or death from COVID-19, he said. 'The shots had significant side effects, so the only rationale for giving them shots — even theoretically — was to reduce transmission'...
In its report to European regulatory authorities, Moderna said one death from cardio-respiratory arrest occurred among kids ages 6 months to 5 years who participated in its KidCOVE clinical trial of a COVID-19 vaccine for children...
Moderna did not report the child’s exact age. The company recorded the death as unrelated to its COVID-19 shot...
Berenson asked the FDA if it was aware that a child in a Moderna clinical trial died after receiving the vaccine.
'The agency has ... refused to answer,' Berenson wrote on Monday. 'But based on what the FDA said to me ... it seems likely the agency did know about the death — a fact it is trying to hide.'"
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