Gabriele Segalla, PhD is a "Researcher Specialist in Organic Biological Chemistry, Cosmetic Chemistry and Chemistry of topical preparations for Aesthetic medicine, Chemistry of micro-emulsions and colloidal systems, Chemistry of natural organic substances.
Holder of several international patents including one on the industrial synthesis of a new molecule, Menthyl Nicotinate, a lipophilic derivative of Vitamin B3..."
... Given the findings discussed here, it is strongly urged that the mRNA-LNP-based 'vaccines' and their boosters should be removed from the worldwide market because of unacceptable and potentially fatal safety risks...
The ionizable lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) in the two COVID-19 mRNA-LNP-based vaccines (Comirnaty by Pfizer/BioNTech and Spikevax by Moderna) are allegedly, according to documentation from the manufacturers, formed by four different types of lipids...
These nanoparticles are supposed to have the primary function of encapsulating the 'experimental' modRNA, protecting it from enzymatic degradation and assisting its penetration into the cells of the host organism, after intramuscular injection (Nance & Meier, 2021). It is likely that these RNA’s modifications are partly, maybe wholly, responsible for the unnatural clots found in living and dead recipients of these experimental injectables, and that these injectables are increasing all-cause mortality across the globe (Santiago, 2022a, 2022b; Santiago & Oller, 2023)...
In this review, the focus is on some of the main toxicological and immunological concerns presented by these lipid nanomaterials, with particular attention to ionizable LNPs used by Pfizer/BioNTech. These concerns involve manifest lapses and contradictions that emerge from a detailed comparative analysis of the official safety documentation offered by both the manufacturer and the regulatory body responsible for the scientific evaluation, supervision, risk management plan approval, and pharmacovigilance of medicinal products in the European Community...
Conclusion and Outlook
... According to real experts in the field, LNPs (lipid nano particles) have long been known for their significant, intrinsic, robust adjuvant activity, and, therefore, should have been submitted to appropriate toxicological studies before initiating first-in-human clinical trials, as requested for novel adjuvants.
For risk managers and regulatory authorities involved in the compilation, evaluation and approval of the Management Risk Plans, LNPs contained in the Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA product were not to be considered adjuvants, and therefore toxicological studies were not deemed necessary.
Unfortunately, the inevitable result now at hand, appears to be the worst medical deception in history."
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