Index Entries

Kerri Basile, Kenneth McPhie, Ian Carter, Susan Alderson, Hossinur Rahman, Linda Donovan, Shanil Kumar, Tyna Tran, Danny Ko, Tharshini Sivaruban, Christine Ngo, Cheryl Toi, Matthew V O’Sullivan, Vitali Sintchenko, Sharon C-A Chen, Susan Maddocks, Dominic E Dwyer, Jen Kok
October 24, 2020
Clinical Infectious Diseases

Background: The detection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) RNA by reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (PCR) does not necessarily indicate shedding of infective virions. There are limited data on the correlation between the isolation of SARS-CoV-2, which likely indicates infectivity, and PCR...

Methods: … No clinical samples with PCR Ct values >32 resulted in positive viral cultures...

Results: The highest Ct for the N gene target in any clinical sample where SARS-COV-2 was successfully cultured was 32. Based on this result and the Ct cutoff value of 37 determined by PCR of TCID dilutions and incorporating a 1-log margin of error, we were confident that any clinical sample with a Ct of ≥37 was not indicative of viable virus.”

COVID-19,clinical cases,polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing issues,reverse transcription