Kämmerer is a human biology professor at the University Hospital Würzburg. (source)
"More and more people affected by suspected vaccine damage are realizing in their lawsuits that they need reliable and verifiable facts about the BioNTech vaccine Comirnaty in court. To help plaintiffs and their lawyers with their arguments, we have compiled the detailed document linked below on the mechanism of action and potential harm of this injection. The authors hope that judges will develop a greater understanding of the problems caused by mRNA vaccinations and make appropriate rulings."
1. Preliminary remarks
1.1 Classification of the product Comirnaty as a genetic vaccine
1.2 Ingredients of Comirnaty
1.3 The manufacturing process as the basis of the possible harmful potential
1.4 Production steps with hazard potential
2. The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein as a vaccine antigen
2.1 Structure of the spike protein
2.2 Special effects of the spike protein in the body
3. Disruption of the immune system at several central sites
3.1 Link between genetic vaccinations and infections
3.2 Dendritic cells, not muscle cells, are the target of transfection
3.3 Spike expression on dendritic cells other than physiological
3.4 Antibody class change as a sign of an immune problem: IgG4
"4. Conclusion from points 1-3
The 'ideal scheme' of Comirnaty's vaccination effect... does not correspond to reality in that the various immune components are massively disrupted by the components and mechanisms of action of this genetic modRNA-LNP vaccination."
"The society of „Medical and Scientist for Health, Freedom and Democracy, e.V. “ (MWGFD) is an association of people and scientists working in medical professions who deal with the topics of health, freedom and democracy in research and teaching. We came together during the Corona crisis in our criticism of the excessive restrictions." (source)
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