Index Entries

November 8, 2021
Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF)

This article summarizes findings from the KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor, an initiative framed as "an ongoing research project tracking the public’s attitudes and experiences with COVID-19 vaccinations," including the public's "belief in pandemic-related misinformation."

"Most People Who Trust Network and Local Television, CNN, MSNBC and NPR on COVID-19 Believe Little or No Misinformation; Larger Shares Who Trust Newsmax, One American News, and Fox News Hold Many Misconceptions...

More than three quarters (78%) of U.S. adults either believe or aren’t sure about at least one of eight false statements about the COVID-19 pandemic or COVID-19 vaccines, with unvaccinated adults and Republicans among those most likely to hold misconceptions, a new KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor report shows.

Nearly two-thirds (64%) of unvaccinated adults believe or are unsure about at least half of the eight false statements – more than three times the share of vaccinated adults (19%). Nearly half (46%) of Republicans believe or are unsure about at least half the statements, three times the share of Democrats (14%)...

How Does Trust in News Sources Line Up with Misconceptions? 

People’s trusted news sources are correlated with their belief in COVID-19 misinformation. At least a third of those who trust information from CNN, MSNBC, network news, NPR, and local television news do not believe any of the eight false statements."

Common falsehoods about COVID-19 according to Kaiser
