"Abstract: Recent studies by Kevin McKernan, a leading expert in sequencing methods for DNA and RNA, have revealed that batches of the modified mRNA vaccines produced by both Pfizer and Moderna contain a high proportion of contaminating bacterial DNA. In all, the DNA accounts for up to 20-35% of the nucleic acids contained in each of the vaccine batches. These alarmingly high concentrations far exceed the levels deemed safe by standard-setting organizations such as the European Medicines Agency (EMA). This document summarizes the evidence of that DNA contamination and discusses what possible health risks it implies to the recipients of the vaccines...
Conclusion: The presence of contaminating plasmid DNA in Pfizer’s and Moderna’s mRNA vaccines entails severe health risks, in addition to those which were already known and understood. Preeminent among these risks are the prolonged expression of spike protein, which may lead to correspondingly prolonged and more destructive autoimmune-like inflammation, and the induction of malignant disease after chromosomal integration of the plasmid DNA. Furthermore, the sheer scale of the contamination proves conclusively that the manufacturers have not mastered or properly implemented the designed production processes. Each of these issues alone would be reason enough to demand the immediate withdrawal of these vaccines."
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