Index Entries

David A. Hughes
February 11, 2022
International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research

David A. Hughes is Senior Lecturer in International Relations, University of Lincoln, Brayford Pool, England 


... Evidence of actual and potential injuries to children [from COVID-19 mRNA vaccines] has accumulated from before the beginning of the rollout, in spite of repeated attempts to cover it up, and yet, the under-12s are now also in the crosshairs and children are being targeted for 'booster shots.' A clear picture emerges of collusion and corruption at the highest levels in forcing through an agenda that runs contrary to public health, democracy, and freedom... 

1. Introduction 

The record shows that there has never been a sound scientific justification for the mass rollout of 'COVID-19 vaccines' to children—or for that matter to anyone else. Rather, the case for that rollout has been built on shifting narratives, obfuscations, faux justifications, outright lies, regulatory capture of the supposed guardians of the public interest, and nefarious propaganda...

14. Conclusion 

[C]hildren were more at risk of heart disease having had the injection than otherwise and that 'COVID-19 vaccines' overwhelmingly favoured heart disease compared to other types of vaccine. Evidence from the UK... shows that mortality among young males in particular rose following 'vaccination'... [E]vidence from around the world points to 'vaccinated' children dying untimely deaths, fit and healthy young sportsmen and women repeatedly “mysteriously” collapsing on the field of play (often clutching their hearts)... Evidence of potential long-term harms from the “vaccines” has also come to light.

There is also substantial evidence of attempts to cover up 'COVID-19 vaccine' damage, including BBC coverage —with near simultaneous repetitions of messages in the establishment media —attempting to pin SADS and other likely “vaccine” injuries on the SARS-CoV-2 virus...

The way the 'vaccines' have been rolled out to children —systematic, calculated, and cynical —smacks of a premeditated agenda, which indeed there is at the supranational level. Efforts to transition the world from a failing fiat currency system to a new monetary system based on central bank digital currencies and biometric IDs entail the need to condition entire populations to accept repeat injections using novel technologies.

In the process of trying to ram home this agenda, the corruption of the medical establishment, the political establishment, and the establishment media has been laid bare. It has become evident that in order to advance their agenda, these organs of the transnational ruling class are willing to maim and kill children knowingly and to use their power to attempt to cover up the damage."

adverse events,censorship,COVID-19,government agency definitions,health statistics misleading practices,heart disorders,mRNA,vaccine systemic and virological concerns,vaccines