'Necessity is the mother of invention:' An adage was brought to life with the emergence of the mRNA vaccine against the backdrop of the foreboding and mercurial COVID-19 pandemic. Considering a negligible adverse-effect profile and a break-neck manufacturing speed, it shone bright as the ideal vaccine candidate. However, 'all that glitters is not gold,' as was evidenced by the significant reactogenicity, a host of multi-systemic side-effects, that are being reported by the vaccine recipients; which is palpably resulting in a shift of emotions for the vaccine, accounting for vaccine hesitancy. Anaphylaxis, antibody-dependent enhancements, and deaths, comprise the most serious side-effects, albeit occurring in sparing numbers. Storage and transportation require fastidious temperatures, rendering it substantially inaccessible to a country like India. The biggest jolt, however, was the unfolding of the biases in reporting vaccine efficacy, as only the attractively high numbers of the relatively equivocal relative risk reduction were reported while keeping at bay the meager numbers of the more forthright absolute risk reduction"...
Main Text
"Anaphylaxis was reportedly seen in 2.5 cases per million doses administered, within 15 min in 90% of the cases; reaction being to the inactive ingredients or the excipients, and not the active ingredients. Orofacial adverse effects such as edema of face, lips, tongue have been reported in 1:1000 cases. Facial edema was more commonly observed in those having dermatological fillers, and particularly with the Moderna Vaccine. Bell's palsy was also reported, in a frequency 3.5–7 times higher than in the general population...
As per deaths being caused by these vaccines, reports are inscrutable and no conclusion can be derived, just as yet. However, studies and reports emerging from surveillance of hospitalized patients and elderly recipients suggest a mortality of 0.3%–0.5%...
Absolute risk is the difference between attack-rates with vaccine and without vaccine, taking into purview the whole population at large. The ARR for Pfizer/ BioNTech Vaccine is 0.7% and for Moderna Vaccine is 1.1%, both being meager values when compared to their enormous Relative Risk Reduction counterparts. Medical and public health experts mandate the inclusion of both RRR and ARR to avoid outcome-reporting bias and a constructive conveyance of vaccine efficacy. Authorities have decried the tendency to influence the people by presenting risk information using a relative risk approach, resulting in suboptimal decisions. It is therefore recommended to use an absolute risk format."
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