...The prion region in the spike of SARS-CoV-2 has a density of mutations eight times greater than that of the rest of the spike, and, yet, strangely that entire prion region disappears completely in the Omicron variant...
... Prions are proteins that can switch from non-aggregated states to self-templating highly ordered aggregates. This property allows them to confer stable changes in biological states, and in doing so, to cause fatal disease in animals and humans...
A key point of our article is the conclusive demonstration, if not the discovery, of a prion region in the spike protein of the Wuhan strain, but not in Omicron. Moreover, because the COVID-19 injectables include the mRNA coding sequence of the Wuhan spike protein, our work extends to the offending prion portion in all of those injectables. Our earlier preprint was referred to and quoted by Seneff, Kyriakopoulos, et al., (2022) as follows:
Montagnier and his team identified a segment of the spike protein that they thought had characteristic prion-like features. Within that segment is a piece that has five amino acids, YQAGS [then quoting our work, she wrote:] 'The human prion protein has the same piece . . . Except for the middle one (YQRGS), the other four amino acids are all identical with this piece near the C-terminal end of the human prion protein... It's a place where, if you get antibodies to that, it’s basically a death sentence'...
... [O]f the 26 cases analyzed in the present study, the first symptoms of Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease appeared on the average within 11.38 days after the injection of a COVID-19 'vaccine'.
...The clinical facts reported in this article confirm an unnatural, injection related, new form of Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease. The stereotypic post-vaccine symptoms appear almost immediately, or very soon after a jab, usually the second one, suggesting that the first injection is a potentiating event, all of which are followed by lightening-fast development of the disease progressing to its final conclusion in death."
Copyright (c) 2023 Jean-Claude Perez, Claire Moret-Chalmin, Luc Montagnier
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.