Index Entries

C. Raina MacIntyre, Simon Cauchemez, Dominic E. Dwyer, Holly Seale, Pamela Cheung, Gary Browne, Michael Fasher, James Wood, Zhanhai Gao, Robert Booy, and Neil Ferguson
February 2009
Emerging Infectious Diseases
University of New South Wales School of Public Health and Community Medicine (Australia)


 … We conducted a prospective cluster-randomized trial comparing surgical masks, non–fit-tested P2 masks, and no masks in prevention of influenza-like illness (ILI) in households. Mask use adherence was self-reported…


… Enrollment in the study was restricted to households with >2 healthy adults >16 years of age; the adults had known exposure within the household to a child with fever and respiratory symptoms…

Randomization and Intervention

Participating households were randomized to 1 of 3 arms.. 1) surgical masks… to be worn at all times when in the same room as the index child, regardless of the distance from the child; 2) P2 masks … to be worn at all times when in the same room as the index child, regardless of the distance from the child; and 3) a control group (no masks used)...


We recruited 290 adults from 145 families; 47 households (94 enrolled adults and 180 children) were randomized to the surgical mask group, 46 (92 enrolled adults and 172 children) to the P2 mask group, and 52 (104 enrolled adults and 192 children) to the no-mask (control) group…  


… The key findings are that ≤50% of participants were adherent with mask use and that the intention-to-treat analysis showed no difference between arms."
