Press Release
"The full, 520-page final report can be found here. A summary of the information can be found below:
... COVID-19 most likely emerged from a laboratory in Wuhan, China...
Federal and state governments had significant lapses in coordination, were unprepared to oversee the allocation of COVID-19 relief funds, and failed to sufficiently identify waste, fraud, and abuse of taxpayer dollars during the pandemic...
The WHO’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic was an abject failure because it caved to pressure from the Chinese Communist Party and placed China’s political interests ahead of its international duties...
The '6 feet apart' social distancing recommendation — which shut down schools and small business across the country — was arbitrary and not based on science...
Prolonged lockdowns caused immeasurable harm to not only the American economy, but also to the mental and physical health of Americans, with a particularly negative effect on younger citizens...
Public health officials often spread misinformation through conflicting messaging, kneejerk reactions, and a lack of transparency...
Contrary to what was promised, the COVID-19 vaccine did not stop the spread or transmission of the virus...
Vaccine mandates were not supported by science and caused more harm than good...
Public health officials engaged in a coordinated effort to ignore natural immunity — which is acquired through previous COVID-19 infection — when developing vaccine guidance and mandates...
Vaccine injury reporting systems created confusion, failed to properly inform the American public about vaccine injuries, and deteriorated public trust in vaccine safety during the COVID-19 pandemic...
The government is failing to efficiently, fairly, and transparently adjudicate claims for the COVID-19 vaccine injured...
The 'science' never justified prolonged school closures...
Standardized test scores show that children lost decades worth of academic progress as a result of COVID-19 school closures. Mental and physical health concerns also skyrocketed — with suicide attempts by 12-17 year-aged girls rising 51%."