... Our Final Report covers a variety of issues related to COVID-19 vaccines, their history, their licensing, their efficacy, their safety and the public conversations around them ...
Our Investigation: ... We have been asked to conduct a criminal investigation into acts which largely occurred outside the State of Florida, though they clearly affected citizens from multiple judicial circuits within our state. These acts primarily involved transactions between agencies of the United States government and multinational corporations ...
[T]he Twenty-Second Statewide Grand Jury was not much different than an ordinary white-collar criminal fraud investigation: At the end of the day, it was a matter of witnesses and documents.
Our investigative efforts in both of those categories were directed in large part towards Pfizer and Moderna, whose rnRNA-based vaccines were the primary focus of our investigation ...
Our Task: By way of reminder, the Twenty-Second Statewide Grand Jury arose out of a Petition by Governor Ron DeSantis calling upon the Florida Supreme Court to impanel this body to investigate 'criminal or wrongful activity in Florida relating to the development, promotion, and distribution of vaccines purported to prevent COVID-19 infection, symptoms, and transmission' ...
Safety: Pharmacovigilance
Long-Term Sequelae and Fulminant Cases: ... It is frustrating to this Grand Jury, as it should be frustrating to everyone who reads this report, to know that these sponsors have taken in billions of taxpayer dollars for creating and selling their vaccines; they cannot be sued if something goes wrong with them; they have access to critical information about deaths related to a side effect of their products; and the public does not have access to that information. Instead, we are left to speculate, and the research community is left to draw inferences as one-off or two-off histopathological reports detailing the events of this death or that death that trickle into scientific journals slowly, year after year. Somehow, withholding this valuable safety information is not a crime. It certainly should be ...
Subclinical Myocarditis: ... The FDA clearly was also concerned about the possibility of SCM [subclinical myocarditis] because it required no less than five separate postmarketing studies in its approvals for MRNA-1273 and BNT162b2 ...
As of today, Moderna has not completed any of these studies. They have never been formally waived in any public FDA document that we were able to find; they simply were not done ...
Risks and Benefits of MRNA Covid-19 Vaccines
... This is the primary lesson from our section on VRMP [vaccine-related myocarditis and pericarditis]: For a sizeable group of healthy young men, there is credible evidence that the risk of side effects from second doses ofBNT162b2 or MRNA-1273 always outweighed their benefits, even at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic ...
COVID-19 and Media Messaging
... During the COVID-19 pandemic, our government's amplification of certain, preferred messages was coupled with something as ugly as it was new: A concerted effort by government officials, federal regulators and other public health actors to seek the suppression of opinions not in line with messages they wanted to amplify. At this point, it is well-established that government officials exercised considerable soft power during the COVID-19 pandemic by attempting to control vaccine-related narratives on social media websites, asking for specific posts or authors to be removed altogether, or even 'blacklisted'-reducing their visibility to other users-on the grounds that they contained 'misinformation' or 'disinformation' ...
Criminal Law Analysis
Throughout our criminal investigation, this Grand Jury could not ignore the relationship between our federal regulators in public health and our for-profit pharmaceutical industry, whose agents and officers have a fiduciary duty to maximize all profit opportunities for the benefit of their shareholders... It is hard to lay blame solely at the feet of the pharmaceutical industry for cutting regulatory corners when government actors were holding their hand the whole way. The lack of tension between federal regulators and sponsors is a significant problem ...
... [T]here are profound and serious issues involving the process of vaccine development and safety surveillance in the United States. Some of those are acute, COVID-19-era problems that are unlikely to occur outside the context of another once-in-a hundred-year pandemic. Others, however, are systemic; they will occur over and over until someone fixes them ...
This Grand Jury finds itself in the awkward position of advocating for a series of changes to a group of private and public
entities who did not ask for them and are unlikely to be particularly interested in adopting them. Still, we feel compelled to point to what we have seen, if only to make the general public aware of the extent to which the massive systems upon which we depend for our health and welfare has failed to serve their interests.
Regarding the clinical trials and pharmacovigilance of MRNA-1273 and BNTl 62b2, it was genuinely striking to us just how many of the problems we found occurred at either the direction or acquiescence of the FDA, CDC and other federal regulators. Nearly every time we found an issue with MRNA-1273 or BNT162b2, the fingerprints of these agencies were all over the scene, advising that the flagship and surrogate clinical trials be performed in specific ways, authorizing dose after dose and formulation after formulation based on out-of-date immunogenicity comparisons and observational results, and even running interference for sponsors by misleading the American public about validated safety signals.
These regulatory issues are magnified in the context of vaccines, where consumers have effectively zero ability to hold manufacturers legally responsible for their injuries."