Oller is the Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research.
... Yuval Noah Harari has said that in a hundred years 'the corona virus epidemic' will be marked 'as the moment when a new regime of surveillance took over, especially, surveillance under the skin'. He says it enables over seers to 'collect biometric data, analyze it, and understand people better than they understand themselves' ...
Looking Ahead
As we launch IJVTPR, volume 3, issue 1, following COVID-19, we are soliciting submissions about three fundamental questions which are summed up in our title Injuries, Causes, & Treatments. The main questions to be addressed in this issue are these:
(1) what is actually in the manufactured COVID-19 injectables... and in the bodily fluids and tissues of recipients, now administered in more than 13 billion doses...
(2) what clinical outcomes injuries, diseases, and the like can be shown reasonably, or perhaps provably, to have been caused by the specific components in the injectables interacting with the human maintenance, repair, and defense systems that have been injected in multiple doses in more than 5 billion 'fully vaccinated' persons; and
(3), finally, what treatment protocols can be used possibly to cure, ameliorate, or, in worst case scenarios, merely manage the injuries already documented...
[T]he US vaccine manufacturing program has increasingly come under the control of the federal government. During the COVID era, it has been placed completely under the direct control of the very 'military-industrial complex' that Eisenhower warned against. In fact, early in the COVID-19 crisis, Operation Warp Speed (US GAO, 2021) handed over the whole medical-pharmaceutical vaccine industry to the unilateral... control of the US Department of Defense (Oller & Santiago, 2022; Latypova, 2022c)...
The Military-Industrial Complex Swallows the Medical-Pharmaceutical Industry
... [T]he medical/pharmaceutical industry, increasingly under the now exclusive control of the US Department of Defense, has been exploring ways to make selected infectious and potentially lethal disease agents even more so. The supposed reason for such 'gain of function' (also known as 'dual function') research was to counter the potential of bioweapons that might be used against the free world (Oller, 2021)."
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