Index Entries

Miao Yu, Shuang Nie, Yue Qiao, and Ying Ma
February 14, 2023
Frontiers in Immunology
Shengjing Hospital of China Medical University

"Methods: Case reports of GBS [Guillain–Barré syndrome] following COVID-19 vaccination that were published before May 14, 2022, were retrieved from PubMed. The cases were retrospectively analyzed for their basic characteristics, vaccine types, the number of vaccination doses before onset, clinical manifestations, laboratory test results, neurophysiological examination results, treatment, and prognosis.

Results: Retrospective analysis of 60 case reports revealed that post-COVID-19 vaccination GBS occurred mostly after the first dose of the vaccination (54 cases, 90%) and was common for DNA vaccination (38 cases, 63%), common in middle-aged and elderly people (mean age: 54.5 years), and also common in men (36 cases, 60%). The mean time from vaccination to onset was 12.3 days. The classical GBS (31 cases, 52%) was the major clinical classification and the AIDP [acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy] subtype (37 cases, 71%) was the major neurophysiological subtype, but the positive rate of anti-ganglioside antibodies was low (7 cases, 20%). Bilateral facial nerve palsy (76% vs 18%) and facial palsy with distal paresthesia (38% vs 5%) were more common for DNA vaccination than for RNA vaccination."

adverse events,COVID-19,neurological disorders,vaccines