Here, we characterized 88 patients who developed GBS [Guillain-Barré syndrome] following the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine. The majority of cases occurred after receiving a vector-based vaccine with the AZV [Oxford-AstraZeneca] vaccine being the most reported. The motor deficit was the most common finding among patients who received the AZV vaccine. The latency between vaccination and the onset of neurological symptoms was... 2–30 days... The severity of the complications ranged from mild symptoms to severe life-threatening conditions. Thirteen patients required mechanical ventilation. While the favorable outcome was achieved in most cases, some patients had partial recovery and poor outcomes such as unconsciousness and prolonged mechanical ventilation via tracheostomy. A favorable prognosis with a high chance of response to IVIG therapy was in line with our own experience, i.e., we recently reported three cases of post-COVID-19 vaccination GBS of acute motor axonal neuropathy subtype with a considerable short-term recovery in response to treatment with IVIG suggestive for a temporal association between GBS incidence and COVID-19 vaccination..."
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