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Kawther Hadhiah, Ali Alhashim, Hassan A. Al-Dandan, Eman Alhassan, Abdulaziz M. Alqarni, Abdullah Adil A. Memish, and Majed Alabdali
January 28, 2024
Frontiers in Neurology
Department of Neurology, College of Medicine, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University (Saudi Arabia)


This study aimed to conduct a comprehensive examination of GBS [Guillain-Barre Syndrome] cases that have been reported after COVID-19 vaccines... 


... overall, 60 patients were in included the systematic review...

... The reported cases [of GBS] mostly were after receiving vector-based vaccine 40/60 (66.6%), mainly related to AstraZeneca. Furthermore, the greater number of cases were after the first dose 49/60 (81.6%). The median time interval between vaccine receiving and GBS onset was 11.4 days (range 1–29 days).

... CSF [cerebrospinal fluid] examination was performed in 53 patients and revealed a classical finding with albumin-cytological dissociation in 45/53 (84.9%)..17 patients had either nerve root enhancement or cranial nerve enhancement...34 patients had acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy subtype (AIDP), 10 patients had the AMSAN [acute sensory-motor axonal neuropathy] subtype, and 9 patients had the AMAN [Acute motor axonal neuropathy] subtype ... 

The COVID-19 vaccine-related GBS had variable clinical phenotypes as follows; 38 (63.3%) of them had classical GBS phenotype. Bifacial weakness with paraesthesia phenotype was seen in nine (15%). Paraparetic GBS phenotype occurred in five patients (8.3%). MFS [Miller Fisher Syndrome] was reported in four cases (6.5%). Isolated sensory GBS happened in three patients (5%). Finally, pharyngeal (Bulbar) weakness was present in one patient only (1.6%).

... Motor signs were noticed as facial palsy (50%), bulbar symptoms were found in 14 patients, and 8.3% (5 cases) of them progressed to respiratory failure and required intubation. Either tetraparesis or paraparesis found in 44 patients was 73.3%. Other motor dysfunction features like hyporeflexia or areflexia existed in the majority of the patients (76.6%). Dysautonomia was found in 12 patients (20%) ...


...Our findings... propose a possible association between the vector-based vaccine, namely ChAdOx1 vaccine, and GBS..."

adverse events,COVID-19,neurological disorders,vaccines