"Introduction: Have you or your family or friends not felt well since the beginning of the COVID pandemic? Have you experienced or heard about the hormonal abnormalities, bleeding and fertility issues, pregnancy losses along with new onset and ongoing brain fog, cognitive and neurological, heart issues, myocarditis and strokes, mood and mental health crisis, autoimmune and gut symptoms? ...
We are here to try and answer these questions and many more. The following is a summary of key points from the over 100 clinicians and frontline activists I [Christensen] spoke with, including the 60 I have interviewed. Along with protocols for healing hormonal and other health issues from a whole systems standpoint. We include many resources and links for further exploration of the various topics in this complex interwoven web."
"I have interviewed leading experts in hormones, naturopathic, functional, gastrointestinal, neurological, cardiovascular, environmental, autoimmune, and longevity as well as environmental medicine to help walk us through what we are seeing and what we can do to heal ourselves at all levels. I have included a summary of key points in each area. Each section has a resource list with links to articles, blogs, and educational videos, along with citations.
Many of my guests themselves too believed in the narratives we were handed, diligently following the directives from our 'trusted' authorities, our 'trusted' media and our 'trusted' medical organizations, truly believing we were following 'the Science' and passing on mandated recommendations for the best interests of self, families and patients. As our colleagues are now waking up, the level of betrayal we are feeling is profound.
We will take a 360 degree look at this multitude of arising and ongoing issues asking the questions:
- PART I - What are we seeing from medical and mental health standpoints?
- PART II - What can we do to reverse or prevent these chronic complex issues in ourselves?
- PART III - What can we do at the level of community and legislatively to heal the fallout? Directing you to top organizations for community and legislative advocacy on EMFs, Children’s health, food supply and GMO’s, bodily sovereignty and focusing on creating health, rather than treating disease.
- PART IV - How did this happen? Understanding the roles of Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big 'Phood', Big Media, Big Chemical, government and AI in creating unbelievable levels of corruption, discussing the critical role of informed consent or lack thereof and the level of censorship."
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