Index Entries

Gerry A. Quinn, Michael Connolly, Norman E. Fenton, Steven J. Hatfill, Paul Hynes, Colin OhAiseadha, Karol Sikora, Willie Soon, and Ronan Connolly
January 6, 2024
Journal of Clinical Medicine
Centre for Molecular Biosciences, Ulster University, Coleraine BT52 1SA, UK,Center for Environmental Research and Earth Sciences (CERES), Salem, MA 01970, USA


Background: Most government efforts to control the COVID-19 pandemic revolved around non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) and vaccination. However, many respiratory diseases show distinctive seasonal trends...

Methods: Pearson correlation coefficients and time-lagged analysis were used to examine the relationship between NPIs, vaccinations and seasonality (using the average incidence of endemic human beta-coronaviruses in Sweden over a 10-year period as a proxy) and the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic as tracked by deaths; cases; hospitalisations; intensive care unit occupancy and testing positivity rates in six Northern European countries (population 99.12 million) using a population-based, observational, ecological study method...

Findings: The waves of the pandemic correlated well with the seasonality of human beta-coronaviruses (HCoV-OC43 and HCoV-HKU1). In contrast, we could not find clear or consistent evidence that the stringency of NPIs or vaccination reduced the progression of the pandemic...

Implications: We hypothesise that the apparent influence of NPIs and vaccines might instead be an effect of coronavirus seasonality."
