Index Entries

Christopher Kagan, Alexander Chaihorsky, Rony Tal, and Bo Karlicki
September 2020
Bio-Virus Research, Inc.

“[O]ur group, Bio-Virus Research, has been working on both universal vaccines and universal therapeutic approaches for decades. In this letter we report our current results using L- lysine therapeutically against SARS-CoV-2…

Approximately 80% of acute stage Covid-19 sufferers given lysine displayed a minimum 70% reduction in symptoms in the first 48 hours (not including long term symptomatic subjects). Excluding long term subjects, treatment times vary from 2 days to 3.5 weeks, with many variables at play. Patients who started lysine in the hospital were discharged an average of 3 days after starting treatment…

One of the most important observations in relation to lysine was the incredibly short time to eliminate/reduce fever presumably due to extinguishing the associated cytokine storm. Cytokine storm appears to be extinguished in hours, based on the 5 inpatients who appeared to be in severe crisis when lysine was administered who showed very rapid reduction in symptoms and stabilization… These clinical results suggest that lysine appears highly suppressive of viral replication, and if these results are confirmed by further studies, lysine should significantly flatten the curve, reduce mortality and hospital bed utilization while we await a curative vaccine or vaccines, ideally one with universal application across the entire Coronavirus group.”

COVID-19,medical treatments