Index Entries

Alberto Boretti
January 27, 2024
Clinical and Experimental Medicine

The author is from the Melbourne Institute of Technology 


Over the last 24 months, there has been growing evidence of a correlation between mRNA COVID-19 vaccine boosters and increased prevalence of COVID-19 infection and other pathologies. Recent works have added possible causation to correlation. mRNA vaccine boosters may impair immune system response in immune compromised individuals. Multiple doses of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines may result in much higher levels of IgG 4 antibodies, or also impaired activation of CD4 + and CD8 + T cells. The opportunity for mRNA vaccine boosters to impair the immune system response needs careful consideration, as this impacts the cost-to-benefit ratio of the boosters’ practice...


... Immunocompromised individuals may be at a higher risk of breakthrough infections, where they contract COVID-19 despite being fully vaccinated. The severity of breakthrough infections can also vary. Some immunocompromised individuals may not produce as many antibodies in response to the virus or the vaccine... There is not reliable specific information available on the long-term evolution of immunity in immune-impaired populations over the four years following exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which has also undergone dramatic evolutions during these years progressing toward more infectious but less lethal variants. Long-term studies on the durability and evolution of immunity, especially in immunocompromised individuals, are missing...

The phenomenon of immune evasion, where certain viral variants partially or completely evade the immune response elicited by prior infection or vaccination, has also been observed with several SARS-CoV-2 variants. The impact of immune evasion varies across individuals. Individuals with impaired immunity may have a compromised ability to mount a robust immune response against the virus. The immune evasion by certain variants could potentially lead to increased susceptibility to reinfection or breakthrough infections in immunocompromised individuals. Some variants of concern have shown reduced susceptibility to neutralization by antibodies produced in response to vaccination or natural infection...

Aim of this narrative review is to discuss if mRNA vaccine boosters impair immune system response in immunocompromised individuals...


A considerable body of evidence indicates a correlation, and some recent studies even suggest causation, highlighting the potential for mRNA COVID-19 boosters to have adverse effects on the immune system. This is particularly relevant in the case of immunocompromised individuals, where the overall cost-to-benefit ratio may lean toward the negative."

adverse events,breakthrough cases,COVID-19,immunodeficiency and immunopathological disorders,monoclonal antibodies,vaccine (or viral) immune escape (VIE),vaccines