Index Entries

January 3, 2022
UK Medical Freedom Alliance

"The UK Medical Freedom Alliance is the UK’s most recognised and respected organisation advocating for every individual’s right to Informed Consent, Bodily Autonomy and Medical Choice." (source)

"Re: Proposed COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates for NHS and other Care Quality Commission (CQC)-regulated Healthcare Professionals and Staff

In anticipation of your vote regarding the legislation that would be required to mandate COVID-19 vaccines for NHS and other CQC-regulated healthcare professionals and staff, we implore you to thoroughly consider at least three points, which we further expand on with supporting evidence below...

1. COVID-19 Vaccines do not prevent viral transmission or infection

... It is now commonly acknowledged that COVID-19 vaccines do not prevent infection and therefore do not prevent transmission...

[T]here is still no robust evidence from any clinical trial data and certainly not from a gold standard randomised control trial (RCT) that COVID-19 vaccination reduces either hospitalization or death...

Analysing all-cause mortality in Scotland reveals that more people have died after the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in 2021 compared to 2020, both from COVID-19 related disease and from other causes...

2. Informed consent is paramount in Good Medical Practice

... It is important to remember that COVID-19 vaccines are still only being used under temporary emergency authorisation, and do not yet have full approval. The regulatory trials were not due to conclude till 2023, and these trials have also been compromised by allowing participants in the placebo group to cross over into the treatment arms. No data from completed clinical trials is available. Certainly, no data is available regarding potential long-term effects of this completely novel gene-based (mRNA or DNA viral vector) technology that has never before been used in humans on such a large scale. We simply do not know what the health or fertility of the vaccinated will be in 2, 5 or 10 years as there is no-one in the world who has had any of these vaccines in their body for more than 18 months...

[Both] the Nuremberg Code and the Declaration of Helsinki... state that experimental treatment must only be carried out with the fully informed consent of the study participant. Suggesting that an experimental product should be mandated is therefore clearly in breach of these important international codes and tenets...

Conclusion & Request

A) What you are asked to approve is an illegal and unethical mandate of an ineffective and unsafe product for the very people in society who are trained and capable of assessing scientific evidence in order to make informed health choices...

C) As no robust trial data regarding COVID-19 vaccine safety is available, we are dependent on post-marketing surveillance. The fact that healthcare staff who are caring not just for COVID-19 patients but also patients presenting with adverse effects following vaccination have decided that they are not happy to accept these vaccines should be taken very seriously and respected.

F) ... [W]e appeal to you to do everything within your remit to oppose this proposed COVID-19 vaccine mandate."

adverse events,breakthrough cases,COVID-19,credentialed opposition,healthcare,informed consent,international law,mandates,medical freedom,vaccines