Index Entries

Corona Investigative Committee, Viviane Fischer, Wolfgang Wodarg, Alkje Fontes, Hans-Michael Hackenberg, Robert Jungnischke, Yitzchok Dovid Smith and Denis Rancourt
October 29, 2022
Corona Investigative Committee
Corona Investigative Committee, Session 128

Panel participants:

  • 03:12
    • Alkje Fontes (Founder of a self-help group of people having vaccine damages, member of the Federal Board of the German party dieBasis; Stendal, ST / Germany),
    • Dr. Hans-Michael Hackenberg (Physician and virologist; Sigmaringen, BW / Germany)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Specialist in internal diseases, hygiene and social medicine; Warder, SH / Germany)
  • 55:17 Robert Jungnischke (Graduate Industrial engineer, expert for blackout prevention; Wesseling, NW / Germany)
  • 1:53:40 Yitzchok Dovid Smith (Lawyer, Rabbi; Morristown, NJ / USA)
  • 2:54:19 Prof. em. Denis Rancourt (fm. Professor for physics, University of Ottawa; Canada)

From video description:


  • Microbiology: What really happened in Wuhan, China, in late 2019
  • Vaccine damage: Concealment of vaccine damage in Germany
  • Vaccine damage: Self-help groups of people affected by vaccination are organizing in Germany
  • Shedding: Can vaccinated people transmit Covid-19?
  • Epidemiology: Poverty as a decisive factor for increasing global excess mortality
  • Geopolitics: What the U.S./China dispute has to do with Covid-19 measures
  • Politics: China’s worrisome influence on Wall Street and American doctors
  • Politics: The presence and role of Chinese/Communist agents in Western countries
  • Political persecution: Secret agency-led psychological operations against whistleblowers
  • Energy industry: What the impact of a blackout would be in metropolitan areas
  • Energy industry: How specifically to prepare for a blackout

German and English; German sections dubbed in English.

adverse events,all cause mortality,COVID-19,mental health,poverty,vaccines