"At the Back to Basics Conference in Massachusetts USA, geneticist Kevin McKernan presented his findings on DNA contamination of Pfizer and Moderna mRNA products. This includes his preliminary findings of Pfizer DNA detected in a tumour biopsy taken from a man who received 4 doses of Pfizer, one year after his fourth dose."
Back to Basics 2024 Conference
McKernan (4:17): "...Three agencies have now come to admit that this is true [DNA contamination in the Covid vaccine vials]: The FDA, Health Canada and the EMA [European Medicines Agency]. So there's no longer a doubt about if there's DNA contamination. There's just a debate as to whether or not it matters. They are curiously not speaking about whether you consented to this. They're just trying to convince you that your consent doesn't matter. They know it's best for you. So this is now through peer review from Bridgit's work [Brigitte Konig (source)], and as I mentioned earlier, the debate isn't if it's contaminated. The debate is how contaminated is it now. Is it 100-fold, is it 1,000-fold contaminated? Those are the discussions we're having in the scientific literature.
There's a discrete difference in the way these are contaminated. Typical guidelines for contamination in vaccines are based on naked DNA being injected and having maybe a five to 10 minute half-life in the blood. This is not naked DNA. This is DNA that's inside of a lipid nanoparticle that transfects your cells and brings DNA and shuttles it to the cytosol and potentially the nucleus."
Mr. McKernan was the research director on the Human Genome Project at MIT and the first to sequence the cannabis genome. (source)
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