“The Public Emergency Council for the Covid19 Crisis is an independent organization made up of leading physicians, researchers and social welfare professionals who, in light of the way that the Covid19 crisis is being managed, have decided that they can no longer remain silent.”
2. The role of the vaccine is presented...as having 3 beneficial components: reducing severe morbidity and mortality in children, prevention of the late side effects of the virus (PIMS [Pediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome] and 'Long Covid') and environmental protection through the prevention of infection and the creation of herd immunity.
3. Severe morbidity and mortality in children due to COVID-19 is rare, and in healthy children without risk factors, it is even rarer...
4. There is no evidence that the vaccine is effective in preventing long-term COVID-19-related phenomena... In addition, there are case-studies...of the appearance of a PIMS-like syndrome after vaccination (MIS-V), as well as cases of PIMS that appeared after infection with COVID-19 also among vaccinated individuals.
5. Data from vaccination campaigns worldwide so far indicate that the vaccine is ineffective in creating herd immunity, and that its ability to reduce its spread is very limited and short-lived.
6. The vaccine against COVID-19 causes various side effects, most of them mild and a few of them severe, but at rates that were not observed in previous vaccinations. Beyond that, there are still significant knowledge gaps regarding the side effects of the vaccine, and especially regarding long-term side effects.
7. In light of the balance of benefits and risks, and especially in light of the rarity of serious illness in children at this time and in light of existing information regarding the side effects of the vaccine, the Council sees no room for a sweeping vaccination of all children."
Documents Published by the Emergency Council
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