“The Public Emergency Council for the Covid19 Crisis is an independent organization made up of leading physicians, researchers and social welfare professionals who, in light of the way that the Covid19 crisis is being managed, have decided that they can no longer remain silent.”
"The scientific aspects
b. A number of studies and publications...show that the viral load in vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals is similar. Since viral load is the most significant factor in the ability to infect, it seems that there are no significant differences in the chances of infecting others between vaccinated and unvaccinated...even vaccinated persons can be super-spreaders who infect many other people, among them other vaccinated persons.
c. Studies show that the rate of transmission of asymptomatic persons is 20 times lower than that of symptomatic patients... so that the likelihood of an asymptomatic healthy person who does not know that they carry the virus to infect another person is significantly lower than 1%. Considering the rate of verified cases in the population, the chance of being infected from a random encounter...is about 1 in tens of thousands...
These findings show that despite the apparent effectiveness in protecting against severe illness, the effectiveness of the vaccination in preventing transmission and contagion is not significant and may even be negligible...
d. Countries with the highest vaccination rates, up to 80-90% of the population, still experience significant epidemic waves. Iceland, for example, where 81% of the total population have been vaccinated...is currently experiencing the highest wave of morbidity it has experienced since the onset of the pandemic...
e. ... There is no scientific evidence whatsoever supporting the claim that non-vaccinated individuals are risking the public’s health in any way more than vaccinated people or that their lack of being vaccinated is a factor that facilitates the continuation of the pandemic or that causes a threat of collapse to the healthcare system."
Documents Published by the Emergency Council
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