Index Entries

Takafumi Kato, Takanori Asakura, Caitlin E. Edwards, Hong Dang, Yu Mikami, Kenichi Okuda, Gang Chen, Ling Sun, Rodney C. Gilmore, Padraig Hawkins, Gabriela De la Cruz, Michelle R. Cooley, Alexis B. Bailey, Stephen M. Hewitt, Daniel S. Chertow, Alain C. Borczuk, Steven Salvatore, Fernando J. Martinez, Leigh B. Thorne, Frederic B. Askin, Camille Ehre, Scott H. Randell, Wanda K. O’Neal, Ralph S. Baric, Richard C. Boucher, and NIH COVID-19 Autopsy Consortium
July 11, 2022
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
Marsico Lung Institute

Conclusions: SARS-CoV-2 infection is associated with a high prevalence of distal airspace mucus accumulation and increased MUC5B expression in COVID-19 autopsy lungs. HBE culture studies identified roles for EGFR and IL-1R signaling in mucin gene regulation after SARS-CoV-2 infection. These data suggest that time-sensitive mucolytic agents, specific pathway inhibitors, or corticosteroid administration may be therapeutic for COVID-19 lung disease.”

COVID-19,medical treatments