"Abstract ...
Methods: Online cross-sectional data (n = 4408) was collected during the Argentine quarantine, between 1st-17th April 2020 along a small replication study (n = 644). Psychological distress clusters were determined using latent profile analysis on a wide-range of symptoms...
4. Discussion
In the present cross-sectional study on 4408 participants, the quarantine experience was associated with mild-severe psychological distress and a high prevalence of mental health symptoms. More importantly, we found that the overall quarantine experience was similar for every individual, as symptoms were clustered by severity instead of types or subtypes. The more common classes (81.9% between Class 2 and Class 3) reported elevated levels of phobic anxiety, anxiety, depression, general distress (GSI), obsession-compulsion and hostility symptoms (overall prevalence: 41.3%, 31.8%, 27.5%, 27.1%, 25.1% and 13.7% respectively). Moreover, fear associated with outdoor activities (travel = 50.6%; crowded places = 56.5%), sleep disturbances (61.2%) and cognitive symptoms (concentration and memory difficulties; 58.3% and 50%) were within the most frequent symptoms."
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