Index Entries

F. Glowacz and E. Schmits
September 25, 2020
Psychiatry Research (November 2020)
Université de Liège (Belgium)


... This study evaluates psychological distress related to the [Covid-19] crisis and identifies predictive factors of anxiety/depression according to age. 2,871 adults were recruited through an online questionnaire during the lockdown. Three subsamples were identified: 18–30; 30–50; > 50 years...


... Young people are the most impacted by the COVID-19 lockdown... Proximity to contamination (only for young people), an overload of contact through social networks and a high intolerance of uncertainty increases anxiety in this population. Half of the present young subsample is made up of students who are consumed by major uncertainties regarding their future and educational perspectives...

Contact through digital media is anxiety-provoking for them and cannot replace face-to-face contact. Young adults were the least to seek psychological help via visio-consultation. Distance education and examinations could increase their level of uncertainty and stress, either because these involve new teaching and assessment modalities as yet unknown to them, or because distance supervision, communication and monitoring by teachers has not been sufficiently clear, structured and reassuring..."

COVID-19,lockdowns,mental health