Review article of the literature on Covid-19 injections, which includes the following sections:
- 2.2 Cells and Tissues Known to Be Impacted
- 3.2 One or More Self-Replicating Disease Components?
- 3.3 Emergency Use Authorization for Half-Baked Ideas?
- 4.2 VAERS and the Death Toll of DiCoReTh-Injections
- 4.3 DiCoReTh-Injection Recipients at Greater Risk of COVID Infection?
- 5.0 Natural Immunity is Better
- 5.3 The Fatality Rate for COVID-19 Greatly Over-Estimated
- 5.5 Bossche Says Vaccination During a Genuine Pandemic Cannot Work
- 5.7 Explaining So-Called "Breakthrough" Infections
- 6.1 The Long and Perilous History of Adjuvants
- 6.2 Blaylock's "Cytokine Storm" Playing Out
- 7.1 Injection and Infection Rates
- 7.2 Evident Design Flaws Ignored?
... An unusually rapid development of different and completely new classes of experimental therapies that would widely be referred to as 'vaccines' raised questions about safety, especially with regard to emergency use approval (EUA) being granted with unprecedented urgency and hardly any critical scrutiny. At present, independent researchers, even some former proponents and insiders, of the currently ongoing global experiment represented as a 'vaccination' campaign point primarily to the lack of public safety studies based on empirical data sets that should be obtainable for the tens of millions, even hundreds of millions, of doses of mRNA and DNA vector therapeutics being distributed as 'vaccines'. Studies regarding efficacy and 'side effects' (sometimes fatalities or permanent iatrogenic injuries) of these experimental therapies have been by-passed in favor of short-term field data from real patients which inevitably raises scientific and ethical questions particularly in view of the fact that the persons and entities responsible for public safety hold deep financial and other vested interests in speeding along the distribution of the experimental pharmaceutical products. The lack of an open discussion about the experimental therapies for COVID-19 now being applied across all age groups, even children hardly impacted by COVID-19, is worrying. The core principle of open debate without pre-conceptions or vested interests in outcomes has been and continues to be utterly ignored...
... While the processes of human protein biosynthesis are well understood, the introduction of the DiCoReTh-[disease component replicating therapy] injections aimed at manipulating human genetic systems at the level of active mRNA and nuclear DNA, may have already unleashed adverse potentials that are beyond anyone’s control. The precautionary principle should be paramount here, and as always, the potential to do harm must be weighed against any promised benefits. The thrombosis cases — along with a host of other disease conditions, life-threatening disorders, and many deaths that are directly attributable to DiCoReTh-injections have already occurred in Europe and the USA — illustrate the drama playing out in real time with the DiCoReTh-injections as the main protagonists while various governmental power-brokers, corporate media and marketing moguls, as well as medical experts pull the strings...
Many age groups are at minuscule risk from COVID-19, and... COVID-19 does not appear to have been significantly more of a risk factor than ordinary flu viruses. Even with all the engineering that went into promoting this world wide 'pandemic', our natural immune defenses seem capable of handling everything it has thrown at us."
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