Scientific backgrounder for a 'notice of extreme concern about COVID-19 modified mRNA vaccine safety and quality [that] was sent on 25th November 2024 to prime ministers and governing bodies of the Nordic and Baltic countries and the United Kingdom.'
Notice of Concern
"Our letter of concern, co-signed by physicians, scientists, politicians, and other qualified professionals calls for the immediate suspension of COVID-19 modified mRNA vaccines and an investigation into the presence of excessive levels of residual DNA in multiple vials, which is a serious, unquantified risk to human health.
This lay summary explains the background to these concerns...
1. The mRNA vaccines do not stop the transmission of COVID-19
... [D]espite serious side effects being evident in [Covid-19] clinical trial data, lamentable safety and efficacy profiles, extreme pharmacovigilance safety signals reported worldwide, and thousands of peer-reviewed articles documenting harms associated with mRNA vaccines, these products continue to be recommended and administered.
In addition, proven prevention strategies were ignored, ineffective practices were promoted, and alternative treatment modalities for COVID-19 were suppressed...
Considering that residual DNA has now been discovered in five independent labs around the world, and at levels greatly exceeding the threshold deemed safe by medical product regulatory agencies, regulators under the direction of governments have an opportunity to recall these products from the market and complete an investigation into their contents...
2. COVID-19 modified mRNA vaccines resulted in an unprecedented level of reported side effects and deaths
Real-world data collected by national competent authorities and distributed to EMA shows the presence of statistically significant safety signals including a high degree of variability in reported side effects for different batches of COVID-19 modified mRNA vaccines. These signals were consistent between countries and were particularly evident in the first few months of vaccine roll out...
3. COVID-19 modified mRNA vaccines are contaminated with high and variable levels of artificial bacterially derived DNA...
Alarming presence of undeclared, high-risk sequences in the residual plasmid DNA
Crucially, Dr. [David] Speicher also confirmed the presence of a specific DNA sequence derived from Simian Virus 40 (SV40) in the Pfizer vaccine...
This SV40 promoter-enhancer is typically used in applications such as genetic engineering or gene therapy to control how much of an mRNA and the protein that is made from the mRNA is ‘turned on’. However, once this DNA crosses the cell membrane, as would happen within an LNP, this SV40 enhancer sequence can target the associated DNA to the cell nucleus, where [it] may cause changes to human DNA...
The risks raised by these undeclared components of the COVID-19 modified mRNA products have not been investigated and have not been declared to recipients. This is inexcusable.
Risk of integration into the human genome.
LNPs are known to be taken up by all organs of the body including the brain, heart, liver, ovaries, and testes and therefore can transfer their contents to the cells of these organs...
... It is not a question of if residual plasmid DNA present in LNPs integrates into the DNA of human cells but how often does it occur and how bad are the effects. It must be noted that DNA integration is not necessary to induce cancer-associated pathways. The genetic risks to people who have received these products, as well as their offspring, are uncharted. Scientific investigation is urgently required to determine the risks of gene-based mRNA therapeutics to humans. It is for this reasons [sic] that these gene-based vaccines should have undergone a full regulatory pathway for new medicines as originally proposed, rather than following the shorter approval process used for standard vaccines...
Unquantified risks associated with modified mRNA vaccines.
Modified mRNA coding for a biologically active spike protein, variable levels of residual plasmid DNA and the presence of the SV40 promoter-enhancer sequence, pose serious risks to human health including cardiovascular disease, cancer, immunological, autoimmune, skin and neurological disorders, particularly in the context of a highly efficient cell delivery system such as LNPs."
Signatories and endorsements
NORTH: A growing coalition of engaged citizens from countries throughout Northern Europe. To raise awareness about the potential harms posed by modified mRNA therapeutics.
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