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Tawny Buettner, RN
January 28, 2022

Interviewed by Steve Kirsch.

Buettner: “I worked at the Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit [CVICU] at a major children’s hospital in [San Diego] California… I was told that I could no longer be in a patient-facing position as an unvaccinated employee… I was also a charge nurse…

Before COVID … we would see maybe four [myocarditis cases] a year, five a year… During COVID… we only had one patient cared for by the CVICU team that had an active COVID infection…

Kirsch: What happened after the vaccines rolled out?

Buettner: … After the vaccine, we saw a huge increase in myocarditis cases.

Kirsch: How many cases?

Buettner: I am aware of 33 cases that came in from the period of about June-ish until I was fired on October 1st

What we saw coming in were children who were very active. They were playing sports, they were thin, they did not have health issues… before the vaccine.

Kirsch: Is there any doubt in your mind that the vaccine is causing this uptick in myocarditis?

Buettner: There’s absolutely no doubt that the vaccine is causing myocarditis in children…

The hospital that I worked for…  there is no policy on reporting to VAERS [Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System]. So the doctors do not have a policy that requires them to report to VAERS, nor is there any sort of procedure on how to report to VAERS, so it is up to the discretion of the doctor of whether they report to VAERS or not…

I’ve talked to many pediatric nurses who have worked in childrens hospitals and there is no VAERS policy for doctors, clinicians, nurse practitioners, nurses; no policy for them to report.”

adverse events,adverse-event reporting systems,COVID-19,heart disorders,vaccines