"This study reports the presence of vaccine components - the expected SARS-Cov2 spike mRNA and the undesired DNA components - in the blood of vaccinated individuals from multiple studies ...
Why are DNA expression vectors used
DNA expression vectors (DNAAV) are used since the SARS-Cov2 spike protein mRNA to be used as vaccines have to be manufactured in copious amounts. DNAAV’s are modified to have regulatory sequences aiding efficient transcription such that enough product (mRNA) is made. Apart from the SARS-Cov2 spike protein mRNA, the vaccine vials were shown to have simian virus 40 (SV40) fragments, kanamycin resistance genes and other standard DNAAV components (like origin-of-replication sequences)...
Source of the SV40 and kanamycin resistance gene sequences
There are two possible explanations.
- These vector DNA have been converted into mRNA just like the spike mRNA, and are present as mRNA contamination in the vials.
- The DNA vectors are not fragmented, but remain intact. They make their way into the nucleus of cells (where transcription occurs) in cells of human subjects who have been vaccinated. And thus RNA-sequencing detects them.
SV40 regulatory sequences are used only by Pfizer, not Moderna. SV40 is an oncogenic virus, and the carcigenesis [sic] is caused by T1 proteins. Only a small peptide of the T1 protein is present, along with other regulatory sequences. However, the dangers of DNA integration in chromosomal regions having tumor suppressor proteins could lead to cancer. In fact, this is how many oncogenic viruses are known to cause cancer at a low frequency - 'nontransforming, slowly tumorigenic retroviruses lack oncogenes and work by integrating their genomes adjacent to proto-oncogenes in cellular chromosomes, a process called insertional mutagenesis'. Additionally, since parts of the DNA expression vector is known to increase transcription, their insertion near oncogenes will increase the risk of cancer ...
... Even as late as Sept 2022, the American Red Cross wrote 'We don’t label blood products as containing vaccinated or un-vaccinated blood as the COVID-19 vaccine does not enter the bloodstream'. This is clearly false. The vaccine is detected in all individuals here, without exception ..."
Sandeep Chakraborty holds degrees in Electrical Engineering (BTech) and Computer Science (MS) from IIT Kharagpur.
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