About New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science
This evidentiary compilation includes excerpts of commentary from the following scientists and medical professionals — David Rasnick, Ryan Cole, Roger Hodkinson, Kevin McKernan, Angus Dalgeish, Ute Krüger, John Campbell, Sucharit Bhakdi, Janci Lindsay, James Royle, William Makis, Charles Hoffe, and Michael Huang.
"The Covid injections cause aggressive turbo cancers en masse: A mega-thread showcasing the overwhelming evidence of an unthinkable horror that will touch us all.
Part 1–16: Physicians, Scientists, and Industry Experts—from the U.S., U.K., Canada, Germany, and Sweden—Describe How the COVID Injections Cause Turbo Cancers The injections
- Severely degrade the immune system, particularly causing T-cell suppression
- Are adulterated with DNA plasmids, which contain the notorious SV40 promoter sequence, which has not only been associated with oncogenesis, but also binding with P53 a.k.a. 'the guardian of the genome'
- Are associated with far more aggressive cancers than what was normal prior to the injections’ rollout
- Are associated with increasing rates of cancers
Parts 17–23: Anecdotal interviews with people describing aggressive cancers in themselves, their friends, or family members who’ve taken one or more COVID injections.
Parts 24–39: Evidence in the scientific literature and regulatory documentation that supports the idea that the COVID injections degrade the immune system, are capable of causing aggressive cancers, and contain DNA and SV40 contamination.
Parts 40–47: A—small—sample of the VAERS reports linking the COVID injections to various types of cancers.
Parts 48–57: Users on X speak out about themselves, family, or friends who developed an aggressive, often fatal, cancer following receipt of one or more COVID injections."
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