"This is the first report of the UK Covid-19 Inquiry. It examines the state of the UK’s central structures and procedures for pandemic emergency preparedness, resilience and response...
The life of the UK was severely curtailed as the majority of its citizens were confined to home. Almost every area of public life across all four nations was badly affected. The hospitality, retail, travel and tourism, arts and culture, and sport and leisure sectors effectively ceased to operate. Even places of worship closed.
Levels of mental illness, loneliness, deprivation and exposure to violence at home surged. Children missed out on academic learning and on precious social development...
4.22. The Inquiry accepts that the imposition of a lockdown (the features and consequences of which are being addressed in detail in Module 2) should be a measure of last resort. Indeed, there are those who would argue that a lockdown should never be imposed...
6.52. The scientific advice received by the UK government – and consequently by the devolved administrations which relied, in between emergencies, on the same advice – was not subject to sufficient external challenge by either ministers or officials... There were a great number of ministers who could have done more by asking questions. Mr Hunt accepted that “collectively we didn’t put anything like the time and effort and energy” into understanding the dangers of pathogens or challenging the consensus. The Inquiry agrees."
Hallett is the Chair of the UK Covid-19 Inquiry.