“1. Background…
In Israel, a comparison of hospital admissions incidences rate due to myocarditis in vaccinees compared to non-vaccinees was performed in all ages groups, and the data suggested a potential signal with the vaccinees. There has not been a general comparison of hospitalizations by vaccine status.
The Israeli interim assessment was that there is a likely causal association between the second dose of mRNA vaccine (in Israel all cases were with Pfizer vaccine) and myocarditis. This association appears stronger in young males (16-19) as opposed to females and attenuates with increasing age. The numerical estimate is still being finalized, but is approximately between 1 In 10,000 to 1 in 6,000 second doses of vaccine…
The Incidence rates for myocarditis only were obtained from IMRD UK (primary care healthcare records), noting the following. The myocarditis diagnosis is likely to be made in secondary care, so there is a risk of underreporting in primary care records. Rates from ACCESS databases that include both primary and secondary care are for myocarditis and pericarditis combined, hence they couldn’t be used…
The results showed an elevated OE [observed/expected] ratio (> 5) in the male 18-24 age group, statistically significant."
© European Medicines Agency, 2021. Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged