Index Entries

Matan Levine-Tiefenbrun, Idan Yelin, Hillel Alapi, Rachel Katz, Esma Herzel, Jacob Kuint, Gabriel Chodick, Sivan Gazit, Tal Patalon, and Roy Kishony
November 2, 2021
Nature Medicine
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (Israel)

Abstract: … By analyzing viral loads of over 16,000 infections during the current, Delta-variant-dominated pandemic wave in Israel, we found that BTIs [breakthrough infections] in recently fully vaccinated individuals have lower viral loads than infections in unvaccinated individuals. However, this effect starts to decline 2 months after vaccination and ultimately vanishes 6 months or longer after vaccination.”

Springer Nature © 2023 Springer Nature Limited

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breakthrough cases,COVID-19,clinical cases,vaccines,health statistics