About: https://www.usmortality.com/about
"Due to the current political climate, the author remains anonymous...
Excess Deaths: The baseline is calculated as average of 2015-2019, adjusted for age and population changes and smoothed using a Gauss window function. The excess deaths are calculated as observed deaths minus baseline."
Sources: CDC.gov, Census.gov
For Americans aged 25-44, all-cause excess mortality peaked at 71.2% in September of 2021, and again at 46.7% in January of 2022.
To view the chart:
- Go to https://www.usmortality.com/excess-mortality/percentage.
- For the chart labeled Excess Mortality [United States], apply the following Filters:
- States = All States
- Age Groups = 25-44
COVID-19,all cause mortality,excess mortality,deaths,health statistics